Sunday 2 February 2014

Welcome to Fit & Healthy Shelby!

I have ventured into the unknown world of blogging... And I hope it will be a success! What is success? To me, this blog will reach success when I have helped even one person in some way, so let me know in the comments if I ever happen to enlighten you.

The purpose of this blog is to, like I said, help people. My main goal in life is: to help people. Whether that be physically with workouts and recipes or mentally with motivation and knowledge, it is fabulous. I would like to say however that I am neither a personal trainer nor a nutritionist. But I will be! That's another thing, I have applied to uni to study nutrition and then hope to become a personal trainer and blah blah blah. I have plans in life but I'll let you know when I reach them. SO, I must say that because I am not trained in either yet, do not take my advice in all circumstances as I don't know everything. I am simply learning and giving you some of the knowledge that I learn along my journey.

If you want to know a little bit about me, here goes:
  • I am 18
  • Shopping is my weakness and I love fashion
  • My dog, Monty is my best friend and I don't care if anybody judges me because it's the truth
  • I am from Devon (yes, the best place in England)
  • My favourite fruit is pineapple
  • I used to play tennis, A LOT.
  • If I could have any job it would be a nutritionist-personal trainer combo and hey it looks like i'm on my way
  • I want to visit every single country in the world, bar a few that are having a war or whatever
  • Hence, I absolutely LOVE to travel. Anywhere I just can't handle the excitement of new and exciting things my eyes can see ahhh!

Hopefully I can help you in life somewhere along the road.
